Food Freedom Begins Here

FREE Food Freedom Blog Series

Don’t miss this opportunity to truly change how you think and feel about food

Sign up for our Food Freedom Blog Series and start developing a healthier relationship with food.

Are you stuck in an overeat-diet-repeat cycle?

Maybe you’ve tried the latest fad diet, eliminated entire food groups, counted points, followed meal plans, or any of a thousand other “solutions.” And maybe you got results for a little while.  

But the truth is that over 90% of women who lose weight regain it - and sometimes more.  In addition, most diets leave women feeling frustrated, guilty, and even more focused on food than ever before.

It’s time to ditch the diet once and for all.   

Health is a state of physical, mental and social well being.

Not merely an absence of disease. At BeyondFit, we believe in promoting a healthy, happy and balanced life, regardless of size. We’re not just about workouts and outward changes, but about inward changes as well. That includes developing a healthy relationship with food.  

That’s why I’m SO excited to announce my NEW BeyondFit’s 21 Day Food Freedom Challenge coming in January 2018!

This challenge will provide you with the tools and strategies to develop a healthier relationship with food.

My goal is to help YOU learn how to end your emotional eating, food obsession and self sabotage (WITHOUT dieting)

Sound too good to be true? Or, maybe you’re not sure if this is for you?

Let me help you answer those questions and show you WHY we all need Food Freedom.

Sign up for my FREE 7 day blog series that will help you identify if you have an unhealthy relationship with food.

For a week, I’ll send you one email a day straight to your inbox to help you develop a healthy relationship with food and to get you thinking if this program is right for you. I hope you’ll join me on this journey

Sign me up for the FREE blog series!

Topics we'll cover...

  • 7 Signs You Need a Healthier Relationship with Food
  • 2 Reasons the “All-or Nothing” Approach Doesn’t Work
  • 4 Reasons I have No Forbidden Foods
  • How to Know if You’re Hungry
  • 9 Signs you need to Re-think your thinking about food
  • 5 Simple Strategies for Re-framing Food Thoughts
  • Are you a diet perfectionist?


YES! I want the Food Freedom Blog Series!

Delivered right to my email inbox!

21 Day Food Freedom Program Coming Soon!

Iโ€™ll be sharing more information as the Challenge date approaches, but donโ€™t miss this opportunity to truly change how you think and feel about food with the Food Freedom Blog Series!


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BeyondFit Food Freedom Challenge Coming Soon!.